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/ / Building Blocks / Absolutely-positioned DIVs ordering
Last updated: 15 Jun 2011

Absolutely-positioned DIVs ordering

If your web page can contain several overlapping absolutely-positioned or relatively-positioned HTML DIV tags, you might need to bring one forward or send one back.

The javascript offered here does exactly that. Especially useful if you have web page dynamic menus using such DIVs. The navigation will not be obscured anymore.

The effect is achived by changing the z-index style property of HTML DIV elements. Initial z-index values are not neccessary.

Script demonstration

This is DIV number one (position:relative).
Script source code
To use the script perform the following steps:

  • Have overlapping absolutely-positioned DIVs on the page. The sample above shows them dynamically after the page loads from the server.
  • Insert the following code somewhere on the page (or put in separate file and reference it):
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
/* Script by:
 * Version: 1.0 (20110615)
 * Latest version:
function getAbsoluteDivs()
    var arr = new Array();
    var all_divs = document.body.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
    var j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < all_divs.length; i++)
        if (all_divs.item(i).currentStyle)
            style = all_divs.item(i).currentStyle.position;
            style = window.getComputedStyle(
                all_divs.item(i), null).position;

        if ('absolute' == style || 'relative' == style)
            arr[j] = all_divs.item(i);
    return arr;

function bringToFront(id)
    if (!document.getElementById ||

    var obj = document.getElementById(id);
    var divs = getAbsoluteDivs();
    var max_index = 0;
    var cur_index;

    // Compute the maximal z-index of
    // other absolute-positioned divs
    for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
        var item = divs[i];
        if (item == obj ||
   == '')

        cur_index = parseInt(;
        if (max_index < cur_index)
            max_index = cur_index;
    } = max_index + 1;

function sendToBack(id)
    if (!document.getElementById ||

    var obj = document.getElementById(id);
    var divs = getAbsoluteDivs();
    var min_index = 999999;
    var cur_index;

    if (divs.length < 2)

    // Compute the minimal z-index of
    // other absolute-positioned divs
    for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
        var item = divs[i];
        if (item == obj)

        if ( == '')
            min_index = 0;

        cur_index = parseInt(;
        if (min_index > cur_index)
            min_index = cur_index;


    if (min_index > parseInt(
    } = 1;

    if (min_index > 1)

    var add = min_index == 0 ? 2 : 1;

    for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
        var item = divs[i];
        if (item == obj)
            continue; += add;

  • Use bringToFront() or sendToBack() functions with id of the DIV to affect z-index as neccessary.
  • Be sure to verify page design with the Javascript turned off.
Browser compatibility
The javascript snippet above was tested on the following user agents:

Modern Firefox 1.5 Ok.
Firefox 1.0.x Ok.
Opera 8.01 Ok.
Steam age Internet Explorer 6.0 Ok.
Internet Explorer 5.0 Ok.
Ancient stuff Netscape Navigator 4.79 Silently fails.
Internet Explorer 4.0 Silently fails.
No Javascript or
Javascript turned off
Any Silently fails.
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